פרופ' (אמריטוס), ראש ביה"ס למנהל עסקים בין השנים 2003-1998
תחומי מחקר: ניהול פיננסי בינלאומי, כלכלה והשקעות ושווקי הון
דואר אלקטרוני: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Recent publications:
Biger, N. and N. Sher, (2016), “New Financial Tools for Small Business: A Commitment Mechanism, Bank Funding, Binary Options Market and Purchase Contracts Securitization”, (forthcoming)
Biger, N., (2015), "One-Sided Linking of Mortgage Loan to the Price of a Foreign Currency", Handbook of Economics, Finance and Management Outlooks, Vol. 3, PP. 1-13
Gill, A., Biger, N. and J. D. Obradovich, (2015), "The Impact of Independent Directors on the Cash Conversion Cycle of American Manufacturing Firms", International Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 87-98
Gill, A., Biger, N., Dana, L. P., Obradovich, J. D. and A. Mohamed, (2014), “Financial Institutions and the taxi-cab industry: an exploratory study in Canada”. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 326-342
Gill, A., Biger, N., Mand, H. S. and Neil Mathur (2014), “Earnings Management, Firm Performance, and the Value of Indian Manufacturing Firms”, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 116, pp. 120-132
Biger, N., A. Gill, and H. S. Mand (2014), “The Impact of Earnings Management on Future Dividend Payout of Indian Manufacturing Firms”, International Journal of Business and Globalization, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 369-382
Biger, N., Gill, A., Sharma, S. P. and C. Shah (2014), “Gender Differences and Factors that affect Family Business Growth in Canada”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vo. 21, No. 1, pp. 115-131
Gill, A., N. Biger and Mand, H. S., (2013), "Corporate Leverage, Financial Efficiency, and the decision of Indian Firms about the Amount of Dividends", International Journal of Business and Globalization, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 258-274
Biger, N. and A. Gill, (2013), "The Impact of Corporate Governance on Working Capital Management Efficiency of American Manufacturing Firms", Managerial Finance, Vol. 39, Issue 2, pp. 116-132
Wong, S, N. Biger, D. Hunt and Yufeng Tu, (2012), “A Complete Mediating Effect of Imitability on the Relationship between IT Capabilities and Export Performance”
Biger, N., and A. Gill, (2012), "Factors that affect small business performance in Canada", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 181-194
Gill, A., Biger, N. and N. Mathur, (2012), "Determinants of Equity Share Prices Evidence from American Firms", International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 90, pp. 176-189
Gill, A. and N. Biger, (2012), "Barriers to small business growth in Canada", Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol. 19 Issue: 4, pp. 656-668
Biger, N. and A. Gill, (2012), "The Impact of Corporate Governance on Working Capital Management Efficiency of American Manufacturing Firms" (MF-Jun-2012-0143.R3), Managerial Finance
Biger, N. and A. Gill, (2011), “Factors that affect small business performance in Canada”, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing. Vol. 2011
Gill, A., Biger, N. and V. Nagpal, (2011), “Barriers to small business creations in India”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 395-410
Amarjit, G., N. Biger and V. Nagpal, (2011), “Barriers to small business creations in Canada”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 245-257
Amarjit, G., Biger, N., Harvinder, S. M. and Gill S. Sukhinder, (2011), "Factors that Affect Mutual Find Investment Decisions of Indian Investors", International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance
Biger, N., Amarjit, G. and N. Mathur, (2011), "The Effect of Capital Structure on Profitability: Evidence from the United States", International Journal of Management, Vol. 28, No. 4, Part 1, December., pp. 1-15