ד"ר דיוויד בודוף



   מרצה בכיר

   תחומי מחקר עיקריים: מערכות מידע, מנועי חיפוש, תהליך חיפוש המידע, מידע בשווקים הפיננסיים

   04-8249579 (58495)

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   מרצה בכיר

   תחומי מחקר עיקריים: מערכות מידע, מנועי חיפוש, תהליך חיפוש המידע, מידע בשווקים הפיננסיים

   04-8249579 (58495)

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Short Bio

ed around the central topic of search, with three specific focii: (1) consumer search behavior, online and offline; (2) technical aspects of information retrieval (aka search engines); and (3) information science.

CV & Publications


Publications in Refereed Journals

Bodoff, D., & Kambil, A. (1998). Partial Coordination Part One: Combining the Benefits of Pre- and Post Coordination. Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS), 49: 1254-1269.

Bodoff, D., & Kambil, A. (1998). Partial Coordination Part Two: A Preliminary Experiment and Failure Analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS), 49: 1270-1282.

Bodoff, D. (1999). A Re-Unification of Two Competing Models for Information Retrieval. Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS),50: 49-64.

Bodoff, D., Enache, D., Kambil, A., Simon, G., & Yukhimets, A. (2001). A Unified Maximum Likelihood Approach to Document Retrieval. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 52: 785-796.

Bodoff, D. & Zhang, H. (2003). Corporate Disclosure Dissemination: When More is Less. Decision Support Systems, 35: 455-466.

Bodoff, D., Wu, B., & Wong, K.Y.M. (2003). Relevance Data for Language Models Using Maximum Likelihood. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 54(11): 1050-1061.

Bodoff, D. & Robertson, S. (2004). A New Unified Probabilistic Model. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 55(6): 471-487.

Bodoff, D. (2004). Relevance Models to Help Estimate Document and Query Parameters. ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), 22(3): 357-380.

Bodoff, D., Ben-Menachem, M., & Hung, P. (2005). Observations and Prescriptions for Web Metadata Standards. IEEE Software, 22(1):78-85.

Bodoff, D. & Forster, P. (2005). A Virtual Market for Teaching Electronic Market Concepts in Information Systems Education. Journal of Information Systems Education, 16(1): 93-102.

Bodoff, D. (2006). Relevance for Browsing, Relevance for Searching. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 57(1):69-86.

Bodoff, D. & Wong, S. (2006). Documents and Queries as Random Variables: History and Implications. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 57(9): 1138-1154.

Bodoff, D., Levecq, H., & Zhang, H. (2006). EDGAR on the Internet: The Welfare Effects of Wider Information Distribution in an Experimental Market for Risky Assets. Experimental Economics, 9(4): 361-381.

Bodoff, D. (2008). Test Theory for Evaluating Reliability of IR Test Collections. Information Processing and Management, 44(3): 1117-1145.

Bodoff, D. (2009). Emergence of terminological conventions as a searcher-indexer coordination game. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 60 (12): 2509 -2529.

Ho, S. Y., Bodoff, D., & Tam, K.Y. (2011). Timing of Adaptive Web Personalization and its Effects on Online Consumer Behavior. Information Systems Research, 22(1): 660-679.

Kim, H., Huang, M., Jin, F., Bodoff, D., Moon, J., & Choe, Y.C. (2012). Triple Helix in the Agricultural Sector of Far East Asian Countries: A Comparative Study between China and Korea. Scientometrics 90 (1): 101-120.

Bodoff, D. & Raban, D. (2012). User Models as Revealed in Web-Based Research Services (2012). Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(3): 584-599.

Bodoff, D. (2013). "When Learning Meets Salience". Theory and Decision, 74(2): 241-266.

Ho, S.Y. & Bodoff, D. (2014). "The Effects of Web Personalization on User Attitudes and Behavior: An Integration of the Elaboration Likelihood Model and Consumer Search Theory". (40 pages). MIS Quarterly 38(2): 497-520.

Bodoff, D. & S.Y. Ho. (2015). "Effectiveness of Website Personalization: Does the Presence of Personalized Recommendations Cannibalize Sampling of Other Items?". International Journal of Electronic Commerce 20(2): 208-235.

Bodoff, D. & D. Raban. (2016). "Question Types and Intermediary Elicitations". Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 67(2): 289-304. doi: 10.1002/asi.23388.

Bodoff, D. & E. Vaknin. (2016). "Priming Effects and Strategic Influences in Social Tagging”. Human Computer Interaction 31(2): 133-171.

Bodoff, D. & S.Y. Ho (2016). "Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling Approach for Analyzing a Model with a Binary Indicator as an Endogenous Variable”. Communications of the Association for Information Systems vol. 38.

Bodoff, D., R. Bekkerman, J. Dai (2017). "Evolution of language: An empirical study at eBay Big Data Lab". PLoS ONE 12(12): e0189107. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0189107

Bodoff, D. (2020). "Viewpoints in Indexing Term Assignment", Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology.

Mokryn, O., Bodoff, D., Bader, N., Albo, Y., & Lanir, J. (2020). Sharing emotions: determining films’ evoked emotional experience from their online reviews. Information Retrieval vol. 23 pp. 475-501.


Book Chapter

Information Distribution and Attitudes Toward Risk in an Experimental Market for Risky Assets, David Bodoff, Hugo Levecq, and Hongtao Zhang, in “Experimental Business Research Volume 3: Marketing, Accounting, and Cognitive Perspectives”, Rami Zwick and Amnon Rapoport, Eds., Springer, 2005.


Conference Papers

Determining the emotional experience evoked by films from online reviews. Osnat Mokryn, David Bodoff, Nadim Bader, Yael Albo and Joel Lanir. KDD WISDOM '20.

A surprising question on the correct way to implement association rules – a pharmacovigilance case. M. Goldman and D. Bodoff. ILAIS 2020.

A systematic Literature Review of Search Term Selection Research. Israel Association for Information Systems. ILAIS 2019.

A Computational Approach to Bias. D. Bodoff. Israel Association for Information Systems. ILAIS 2018.

The Effects of Time and Number of Personalized Items on Users’ Amount of Sampling. D. Bodoff and S. Ho. European Conference for Information Systems (ECIS) 2014.

Don’t Look Here: Off-Limits Words Bias Play in the ESP Game. Eran Vaknin and David Bodoff, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2013.

Who needs to know? How different aspects of the user's situation are important for answering different types of question. David Bodoff, PACIS 2012.

Emergence of Terminological Conventions as a Searcher-Indexer Coordination Game. David Bodoff and Sheizaf Rafaeli. WWW 2008, Beijing (poster).

Test Theory for Assessing IR Test Collections, David Bodoff and Jessica Li. The 30th Annual international ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR ’07).

Testing Algorithms is like Testing Students, David Bodoff, and Jessica Li. The 28th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference (SIGIR ’05) (poster).

Optimal Duration of Free Trial Software, Ye Ruyi and David Bodoff. 10th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (poster).

Mean Field Approach to Probabilistic Models in Information Retrieval, Bin Wu, Michael KY Wong, and David Bodoff. Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 2002, Vancouver, Canada, December 9-14, 2002.

Document-Query Duality Meets Maximum Likelihood: The Answer is 3/15/24?, David Bodoff. ACM SIGIR '01 Workshop on Mathematical/Formal Methods in Information Retrieval, 2001.

Patterns of Document Access in Searching and Browsing, David Bodoff and Lydia Zhang. Proceedings of Association for Information Systems 2000 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2000), Long Beach, CA, 2000.

Dynamic Hypertext Synthesis for Information Retrieval, David Bodoff. Proceedings of the 27th Annual HICSS, Jay F. Nunamaker and Ralph H. Sprague (Ed.), pp. 918-927, 1994.

An Improved Automatic Lipreading System to Enhance Speech Recognition, Eric Petajan, B. Bischoff, D. Bodoff, N. Michael Brooke. Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, J.J. O’Hare (Ed.), p.18-25, 1988.


Other Papers

Fuhr’s Challenge: Conceptual Research, or Bust. David Bodoff. ACM SIGIR Forum 47(1): 3-16.

Influence and Persuasion: Social Science Meets Data Science. Intelligence in Practice (2019). In Hebrew.

Papers Under Review

Tone and Credibility in Voluntary Disclosures (2nd round at Corporate Communications: An International Journal).

A Fundamental Question of Counting in Association Rules (submitted to Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data).


Working Papers

On the Complex Status of Inferences in Data Privacy Economics.

Coordination Games with Labels and Payoffs (with Roei Zultan).

Classification of Persuasion Attempts (with Uri Hertz and Dina Bavli).

A ‘Distribution Game’ variant of the ESP Game.

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