Ph.D Studies - General Information

Doctoral studies are considered the highest academic degree in any field. The degree of a Doctor of Philosophy confers on a person holding it the authority to conduct independent research in the field in which the degree was earned. This is also true of doctoral studies in various areas of research related to business administration. The heart of the Ph.D studies involves work on a significant research project which is also the main product of the studies to be evaluated at the end of the process. Holders of a doctorate in business administration are qualified to conduct research and teaching in the area of knowledge in which they completed their studies, in institutions of higher education in Israel and abroad. At the same time, Ph.Ds may find themselves engaged in applied research or management at the highest levels in a field relevant to their training by virtue of the skills and tools acquired during their studies.

The Ph.D program of the School of Business Administration enables students to conduct their research and earn their degree in all areas of business administration, including finance, information systems, human resource management, strategy, marketing and consumer behavior, organizational behavior or psychology of emotions. Students studying for a doctorate in business administration are supervised by a senior faculty member from the department. The research is carried out under the personal guidance of the supervisor

Part of the research of the faculty members and the doctoral students is conducted under the research centers and laboratories in which the researchers of the school are members, such as the Center for Internet Research, the Center for the Study of Organizations and Human Resource Management, and the Laboratory for the Study of Social Perception of Emotions.

The doctoral program in business administration is intended for candidates with a master's degree (with a thesis) in business administration and related fields such as economics, management, psychology or communication, who wish to pursue studies for a doctoral degree. Candidates with a master's degree in other fields are welcome to apply and may be required to complete some relevant supplementary courses. Outstanding students who earned a master's degree and completed their M.A. thesis from a recognized institution in Israel or abroad, are welcome to apply for the program. A full description of the requirements and conditions for admission to the program and its completion appear in the relevant parts of this website.

Admission Requirements for Ph.D. Studies

Structure of the studies

During the doctoral studies, each student is required to general and disciplinary studies of up to 16 credits in accordance with the proposed field of research and the previous academic background. As part of the studies obligations, doctoral students should take three of the School's compulsory courses. The minimum grade in each course and the general average grade of the studies will be determined by the student's supervisor(s).

In the first stage, the student is required to prepare a detailed research proposal, obtain the supervisor(s)' approval of the proposal, submit it for review to the School's Ph.D studies committee, and meet some other possible requirements.

In the second stage, with the approval of the research proposal by the authorized bodies, the student will be required to complete the writing of his/her doctoral dissertation, all in accordance with the regulations of the School of Business Administration Ph.D studies program. 

Guidelines for Writing Graduate Research Papers - Graduate Studies Authority


Departmental Doctoral Committee 

Prof. Shlomo Hareli, Chair of the program

Dr. Kimberlee Weaver Livnat, Member of the PhD. committee

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Member of the PhD. committee


For further details, please contact:

Ms. Tanya Libashevsky

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone: 972-4-8288453

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